ICAO FAA L864 Regulations LED tower crane aviation obstruction lights, 2000cd red flashing night marking 110-240VAC &12-48VDC voltage option aircraft warning lights

ICAO FAA L864 Regulations LED tower crane aviation obstruction lights, 2000cd red flashing night marking 110-240VAC &12-48VDC voltage option aircraft warning lights

FAA L864/L865/L885 & ICAO Standards LED Solar Aviation Obstruction Lights Medium Intensity Aircraft Warning Light use 45-105m Height

Medium Intensity Obstruction Lights (MIOL), red light, multi-LED type. According to ICAO - Annex 14 - Medium Intensity Obstacle Lights Type B or Type C and FAA L-864.
Medium Intensity Obstacle Lights Type B should be used either alone or in combination with Low Intensity Obstacle Lights Type B for night mode, whereas Medium Intensity Obstacle Lights Type C should be used either alone or in combination with Medium Intensity Obstacle Lights Type AC for daily and night mode where the obstacle is particularly large and the height of the
surrounding soil is more than 45m.

for more information

110-240VAC &12-48VDC voltage  & Solar Power System option 


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