Solar Portable Helipad Windcone option ICAO Heliport Lighting System Wind Direction Indicator

Solar Portable Helipad Windcone option Heliport Lighting System Wind Direction Indicator 

* Int led light for sock
* Solar obstruction light / AC obstruction lighting system
* Inbuilt cabinet with battery and electronics
* Red/ white/ orange fluorescent wind sock optional
* 2/3/4/5/6/7/8m pole height option
* The Pole folding option
* The Pole material 304/316 stainless option

For more information :

#heliportlighting #hellipad #windsock #windcone #cdt #obstructionlightingsystem

The heliport windsock can indicate the wind direction of the final approach and takeoff, while the wind speed can be generally indicated. According to ICAO regulations, at least one wind vane must be set at each airport. Its installation position is guaranteed to be free from interference from nearby objects or the airflow blown by the rotor. It must be clearly visible on helicopters at least 200 meters away.


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